Hearts of Hope International

Hearts of Hope International, Inc. is an all volunteer-led 501(c)3 non-profit charitable organization that is engaging in the fight to eliminate global poverty by providing vocational training to those who are under-resourced and lack opportunities to provide for themselves and their families.


May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 15:13 NIV

We are excited to share that we have entered into a partnership with Word of Truth Technical and Vocational Centre. We have made capital investments in their infrastructure in exchange for credits for future Vocational Training for our scholarship students.  We find it to be a mutually beneficial partnership.  Our students will receive excellent training that includes Christian Education as part of the core curriculum and Word of Truth receives a much-needed capital infusion to foster their growth.  We have already broken ground to build a facility that will eventually hold both additional classrooms and have space to accommodate boarding students as well.

During our recent geographical expansion into a new location, we found many students being sent home from secondary school due to their families not being able to pay school fees. This was a wide open door for us to start granting scholarships to Secondary School students in hopes that these students will be well prepared to enter into Vocational Training when they complete their Secondary Education. Our HOPE for the future lies in the current and future education of these boys and girls at Kirenga Secondary Schools. Our dream is that each of these children of God would live up to their full potential equipped with a solid foundation of education. These kids are our long term investment and we are confident they will be a huge blessing to their community.

Welcome Margaret to Hearts of Hope International Leadership

A well deserved congratulations and welcome to Margaret. Margaret was one of our first scholarship applicants in 2019. After a few false starts, Margaret began her training in Elementary Education. Margaret’s grades and the progress reports during her teaching practicals were exemplary. Margaret has now completed her training and is teaching in one of our local village schools. We are thrilled that Margaret has accepted our invitation to be our Kenyan Board Secretary. Margaret knows first hand how a Hearts of Hope Scholarship can bring hope, change a life, and instill confidence. Her experience and insight will be invaluable as we continue to grow our ministry. Congratulations Margaret and Welcome Aboard.

When we first met Solomon he was doing casual day labor. He was also part of a small group of friends who visited the elderly in his community. These visits developed a heart of caring in Solomon that suggested he would be successful as a nurse. Solomon applied for and received a scholarship to train as a Community Health Nurse. Now, after 3 years of training and hard work, he is employed as a nurse at a large, prestigious International School. Solomon exemplifies what it means to help someone retain dignity as they fight their way out of poverty. Training works! We ask each and every student to Trust God, Work Hard, Be Kind. Solomon has been faithful to the request. We are so proud of you Solomon! Congratulations!

Our mission: To glorify God by equipping residents of Kiambu County Kenya with vocational training.

We partner with community members to find dignity embracing solutions to their very real challenges.

Learn more about how you can get involved and join us by helping in the fight to eliminate global poverty today.