Our Vision, Mission, and Values

Residents of Kiambu County Kenya contributing to a flourishing, self-sustaining community by maximizing their God-given potential.
To glorify God by equipping residents of Kiambu County Kenya with vocational training.
God is already at work in the community where we serve. He has invited us to join Him in that work. He is also asking us to invite others into His work.
Prayer is an integral part of everything we do. Our desire is to always be Spirit-led in every aspect of our ministry.
Partnership with local Christian leaders. Local leaders are the experts of the needs in their own community and they often have the know-how to solve their own challenges. Most often what they lack are resources. They identify the community needs, we come alongside and support them with resources including, but not limited to, financial, educational, experience and prayer. The local Christian leader must be the hero to the community.
Sustainability. Our goal is to explore and pursue opportunities identified by the community and local Christian leaders so that this work can ultimately become self-sustaining .
Stewardship. We believe that God owns everything and He entrusts us to manage our resources to His benefit. We believe we will be held accountable for stewarding our donors’ resources wisely and take this responsibility very seriously. Resources that we are committed to prayerfully stewarding well include money, experience, education, time, skills, talents, etc.
Compassion vs. Justice & Crisis vs. Development. In times of crisis, we must extend a handout, that is compassion. Development is a justice issue. We believe that applying crisis solutions to chronic problems creates dependency. Our aim is to apply compassion to crisis situations and strive for justice in developing self-sustaining programs to address chronic poverty issues.
Dependency. The Biblical law of gleaning states that landowners are to leave produce missed by the initial harvest so that the poor could gather it. This allows the poor in each community to provide for themselves without being dependent on charity. Our aim is to provide ways for the poor in the community we serve to ultimately provide for their own households.
Dignity. Every human being has been made in the image of God. As an image bearer, all are inherently deserving of being treated with dignity. Matthew 25:40 “The King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me’” (NASB). We focus on the people we are serving as being our brothers and our sisters and treat them as such.
Teamwork. There is much work to be done and we believe that as the body of Christ, we each have different gifts, talents and passions. We want all who commit resources to this cause to know there is value in their role and what they contribute. “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” (African Proverb). We trust that with the team God is putting together, we will go far.